He is very professional and very approachable. Two qualities John exhibited were being a great listener and acting as a great mirror. He excelled at reflecting what he thought he heard and this quality helped a lot in helping me determine what I really needed to focus on. Additionally, as a coach, John did not take for granted what my assumptions were. Using a baseball analogy, I was a pitcher and and asked John to teach me how to throw a sinker. He did not just jump in and start showing me the mechanics of the sinker. No. Instead, he asked me why I thought I needed to learn how to throw a sinker. He asked what was wrong with my other pitches. He helped me gather feedback from my manager, teammates, other players and other managers.
He asked probing questions to uncover what my real problem was, and through all the inquiries, a clearer picture emerged. Then, he helped me compose a specific plan that consisted of activities to accomplish my goals. And he supported me and checked on progress throughout the execution of the plan.
The direct impact of that support was that I managed to deliver on a key initiative that I was really struggling with.